2014年3月7日 星期五

【Eng-Writing】My mum bought me a lovable hamster

Last Sunday, my mum bought me a hamster. It was a lovable hamster in a cage. I fed the hamster twice a day. I fed it on clean water and fresh food such as nuts. I also supported it to do more exercises, it ran on a wheel lovely.

Yesterday, I took it out and it crawled on my right hand. Besides, I taught it to say some English words such as ‘good job’ and ‘excellent’. It was too clever because I just taught it in 5 minutes only and it learnt quickly.

When I turned around and washed the cage. After a while when I turned back, my beloved hamster was disappeared. Fortunately, I found it and put it back into the cage.

2 則留言:

  1. 嗯? 為什麼你會教蒼鼠學說話呢? 牠好可愛!

    1. 因為我希望牠能像鸚鵡一樣, 會講話喔 ^^
